The Art Community boards
(Forum) is open to the public for comments, feel free to share
criticism and opinions or just say Hello. I welcome your commentary
here. You may even respond to others opinions. Have fun.
Comments, Critism or Questions
in regards to this site please feel free to send me your two bytes.
I like email. Site Admin / Artist: Tom
'Ledsoul' Edsall
Ledsoul Studio is a portfolio
site that hopefully one day will bring me something alittle more substantial
than the feel good feeling I get for sharing my work. But until then this
struggling artist is only asking for a few pence to help me support my
studio and keep up this wonderful site. Please find it in your
kind heart to donate to the Ledsoul Studio Support Fund, Thankyou.
The link above will take you to a paypal secure site, your privacy is
ensured and security guaranteed through paypal.
Once again Thank You!